Housing over one million works of art, the fourteen museums of the City of Paris present collections that are exceptional for their diversity and high quality. These collections bear witness to the history of Paris and the evolution of its patrimony, as well as to its leading figures and, more generally, to the place reserved for art and culture in the city’s development. For the past several years, these items have been the focus of documentation campaigns, digitizing and photography. This endeavor has been accompanied by the increasing availability of high-resolution digital reproductions of works in the public domain that are free of charge and can be used without restrictions.
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The Paris Musées entity includes 12 museums with collections, as well as two other sites (the Crypt on Île de la Cité and the Paris Catacombs). You may select one of them or check several entries to narrow your search.
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A work can have several authors who may have played different roles during the work’s creation. Searching with one or more names from the proposed list enables recovering results on works for which the person you are looking for is the main author, along with works this person participated in.
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This criterion lets you search for works by typology when this has been indexed. You can limit your search to the recorded information grouped under a term or refine the term using arrows designed for this purpose (valid only on certain terms). For example: Fashion - Clothing - Suit > Suit accessories > Accessory worn on the body or held > Handbag. The number of notes currently available on the site is indicated in parentheses next to the terms. Several entries can be selected.
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