



Prokoudine-Gorsky (1863-1944), set off on a specially designed carriage and spent four years taking thousands of photographs of the Urals, the Volga, Turkestan and Afghanistan. Five hundred of these images will be shown at the Zadkine Museum.


Saint-Petersburg, 3 May 1909: Sergueï Mikhaïlovitch Prokoudine-Gorsky (1863-1944), a physician who invented a new photographic process that reproduced colours with a startling precision, met Tsar Nicolas II at the Imperial Palace for a private projection. The Tsar, who was enchanted by photography, was enthralled by the images that appeared on the big piece of white cloth stretched out on the wall for the occasion, and decided to grant the photography pioneer a letter authorising him to travel across the empire to perform his ambitious documentary work. Prokoudine-Gorsky set off on a specially designed carriage and spent four years taking thousands of photographs of the Urals, the Volga, Turkestan and Afghanistan. In 1918, two thousand of these photos were stuffed into trunks and sent out of Russia. Purchased by the Congress Library in Washington DC in 1948, they have never been displayed in France. Five hundred of these images will be shown at the Zadkine Museum: visions of a Russia thought to have disappeared forever, a Russia before the Revolution experienced by Zadkine – who was born in Smolensk in 1890 – and that, over the passage of time, may have passed through the artist’s mind.

Commissioner :
Véronique Koehler, deputy to the director of the Bourdelle and Zadkine Museums

Información práctica

Adress :
100 bis, rue d'Assas
75006 Paris

Phone :
+33 (0)1 55 42 77 20


Opening hours :
Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm.
Closed on Mondays and public hiolidays.


Acces :
Métro : Vavin (line 4) and Notre-Dame des Champs (line 12)
RER B Port Royal station
Bus : 38, 58, 68, 82, 83, 91
Vélib ' : 90 rue d'Assas, 13 rue Michelet
Autolib' : 15 rue Joseph Bara, 6 rue Michelet

Plein tarif : 7 €
Tarif réduit 1 : 5,00 €
Tarif réduit 2 : 3,50 €


Vidéo Paris Musées
Exposition Voyage dans l’ancienne Russie

Le 3 mai 1909, Sergueï Mikhaïlovitch Procoudine-Gorsky (1863-1944), pionnier d’un procédé de prise de vues restituant les couleurs avec une fascinante précision, est reçu au palais du Grand duc Mikhaïl Alexandrovitch, à Saint-Pétersbourg.
Grand amateur de photographie, le tsar qui assiste à la projection, est émerveillé par les images qui apparaissent sur la grande pièce de tissu de plusieurs mètres, tendue pour l’occasion. A l’issue de la projection, Procoudine-Gorsky obtient de sillonner l’Empire et de s’engager dans l’ambitieux travail de reportage dont il rêvait.

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