
Raised stones


Starting with the stone sculptures of Ossip Zadkine, the exhibition encourages visitors to contemplate this material long appreciated by artists.

Several groupings are interspersed among the Zadkine Museum’s collections,
offering context for contemporary works – photography, sculpture, and
video– that have a renewed relationship to nature. There is a dialogue
between sacred objects from ancient cultures and modern sculptures from
the beginning of the 20th century inspired by primitivist art that exhibit
many similarities to each other. They are the first chapter of a tale that
continues in the contemporary section. The contemporary part, focused on
artistic practices that make use of the characteristics of the stone itself, its
virtues, its memory, brings together various leading figures around Marko
Pogaˇcnick, a Slovenian artist exhibiting for the first time in Paris who was
named UNESCO’s Artist for Peace in 2016. This exhibit displays emblematic
pieces from conceptual artists working in the 1970s alongside works of
young contemporary artists to cast fresh light on the dynamic and living
aspects of stone. In honour of the fiftieth anniversary of Zadkine’s death,
this exhibition is also an homage to the master of direct carving. It offers
a new perspective on his work and re-activates the energy of the studio, a
space for development of ideas and the creation of shapes. Alongside and
as an extension of the exhibition, visitors will be able to participate in
workshops led by Marko Pogacnick and a programme of public meetings
between artists and scientists who will compare their experiences.

CURATORS: Noëlle Chabert, Chief Heritage Curator, Director of the
Zadkine Museum, and Jessica Castex, Exhibition Curator at the Museum
of Modern Art of the City of Paris


Admission information

Adress :100 bis, rue d'Assas75006 ParisPhone :+33 (0)1 55 42 77 20 Opening hours :Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm.Closed on Mondays and public hiolidays. Acces :Métro : Vavin (line 4) and Notre-Dame des Champs (line 12)RER B Port Royal stationBus : 38, 58, 68, 82, 83, 91Vélib ' : 90 rue d'Assas, 13 rue MicheletAutolib' : 15 rue Joseph Bara, 6 rue Michelet


Vidéo Paris Musées
Etre pierre | Musée Zadkine

Etre Pierre <br />29 septembre 2017 - 11 février 2018 <br />Musée Zadkine <br /> <br />S’appuyant sur l’œuvre sculptée en pierre d’Ossip Zadkine (1890-1967), l’exposition propose une réflexion sur ce matériau de tout temps privilégié des artistes. Réunissant des œuvres de plusieurs générations d’artistes et tous médiums confondus – sculpture, dessin, photographie, vidéo ou film -, elle est pensée comme un récit, qui ne prétend pas à l’exhaustivité mais favorise le dialogue entre archéologie, arts premiers, art moderne et pratiques contemporaines. <br />http://www.zadkine.paris.fr/fr/exposition/etre-pierre

Autour de l'exposition


Noëlle Chabert, Jean-Christophe Bailly, François Farges, Tim Ingold
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